Sawan Colours Cut And Paste Mixed Bag
Toys & Baby
Sawan Colours Cut And Paste Mixed Bag

Sawan Colours Cut And Paste Mixed Bag
Description : Sawan Presents Mixed-Bag Colour, cut and paste book is a perfect tool for toddlers and preschoolers who are learning how to use scissors. Preschoolers practice important scissor use...
Description :
Sawan Presents Mixed-Bag Colour, cut and paste book is a perfect tool for toddlers and preschoolers who are learning how to use scissors. Preschoolers practice important scissor use and cutting and pasting skills. This series features fun activity pages that will help children to develop sharpen fine motor skills, eye-hand coordination and enhance their strength and creativity. Each activity when completed becomes a new creation to play with. These projects include Animals, Patters and Shapes to cut out along the dotted line. A few pictures provided as reference to cut out, glue and make their own design